Morning write blog liao den keep on watching bleach oni,and chat wif SC,she too boring at work...later ard 1 i say i wan eat lunch le,later tok to her,she keep remind me must remember find her after i eat nia...wen i juz done my lunch den dear on9 liao,start tok to him almost totally forgot to chat wif SC nia :P
Wen tok to dear,i told him i worry dad gonna pick me up later frm college,i say dat place not very safe at nite coz of sumting lar...dear get worry,ask me msg him after clas lor...Later den prepare to college,on the way to bus stop,got a car 'hon' me,dat guy inside wave his hand at me,hmm,do i noe him???dunnoe leh,coz din c clearly...
Reached college went to ask bout result,Yeah!!!!i PASS liao,hehe,so happy...Hahaz,i keep checking whether the slip is mine nia,hehe,my fren oso happy wen she noe,she say she everyday pray for me nia,really thx for her supportive o.0 Dear u said b4 u trust i can make it,and i make it le,im sure dear will be happy for me ^^ Unfortunately the other fren of mine did not get through lor,sob...Hope she can do well for next time nia,Gambateh neh,my dear fren,u can do it de....
Afterdat i notice the clas for 2day had changed time le,is frm 6pm to 9pm nia,couldnt stand it for so long,so ard 7 my fren and i go liao,tot msg dear along the way to the LRT station,but wen i wan start msging,start raining nia,cant le,nid hold umbrella ma,afterdat in LRT so many ppl,hard to type msg,not long after i in the LRT dear msg me liao,dat time can get a place to stand steady wif one hand plus holding my start msg dear liao lor,kind a hard to press though,nid more time compare to usual,is liddat de lor,my file keep wan fall ma,nid hold it back...den reached KJ station,waited for an hour for dad to reach,den went home fetch mum and go hav dinner,ard 10.30 oni can use com,msg dear ask him can msn or not,but havent reply yet wor,maybe busy wif his BBQ bah,nvm now blog 1st lor,c later he got on or not,2nite oni wil till 11.30 nia,2molo nid wake up early...Thinking wad i nid to get done now....
Hmm...Right now i nid get my statute book liao nia,must get it de wor,if not wil got trouble in the next exam...Erm,summore is time really nid back up my study liao,all along tis time couldnt really study bcoz of uncertainty wif my stand point,not sure wad it wil be next,but now i noe i goin on wif Part 1 liao,so must gambateh to study back wad other ady studied nia...Hope i can get B for my next exam,is a must to get B nia...Gambateh every1!!!!